All around us is here to support us on our journey

Last evening, I took a solo walk to clear my mind after a week abundant in meetings and full of surprises—a week with the intention to reset, to gain perspective, and to digest all that unfolded.

Beautiful connection calls with amazing entrepreneurs...

Exploring interesting project ideas...

Also, invitations to revisit my boundaries (my own expression) in business to ensure they truly belong to me, free from echoes of the past, and to confront any fears and worries emerging from them.

These current times are intense for many of us...

Everything around us speaks to us, including nature!

Yesterday, I was stung by two bees and encountered some mosquitoes.

These little creatures, often feared by many, bring a beautiful medicine. A medicine that voluntarily enters our "dream garden" (read my previous posts to understand what I mean by that).

In the morning, before my evening walk, I picked up a booklet from a nature event I attended with my daughter. I felt compelled to take it; among many, this one wanted to stay with me.

Upon returning from my walk, pondering the message the bees brought, I opened the booklet. The message was more than obvious.

It was an action pack...

To be aware...

To invite more bees into your garden...

To lean into what flying solo can be...

And more...

The booklet spoke volumes about my business and personal life.

Thank you 🐝 for your message and your medicine.

Thank you for visiting me...

Sometimes, we need some discomfort to truly listen...

Have you been visited by any of nature's creatures or wonders?

It's time to take action—solo—and invite others into your world and the space of your business.

If this resonates with you and you feel drawn to my space, welcome! I can't wait to hear more about you... Let's chat.


In gratitude,
